this feels like a lot…

I woke up this morning feeling the heaviness… that we are all feeling. I want to first say, that everyone will handle the stress of this pandemic differently. The best thing we can do for others, is not to judge, but show acceptance and empathy. We also need to think of others, and how our actions will directly impact others. (A HEM…toilet paper).

When I was in graduate school for Public Health, we learned about pandemics and how a crisis, like the one we are in, affects a society…. but learning and then living in one, are two totally different entities.

When I put my public health educator hat on, I believe we all should be practically quarantining ourselves. When I put my mom hat on of a 9 and 6 year old, I think how am I going to keep my girls aways from other kids for long periods of time??! (but then I soon realize what a 1st world problem and how many others are actually suffering right now).

I found myself short with my husband tonight because of the weighted anxiety I know I am feeling from all of this. I gave him a hug and said I’m sorry…this just feels like.. a lot.

My mind keeps racing to the nurses and physicians on the front lines. That has a whole new level of……heaviness, but I am so grateful for every single one of them. My sister in law is a Respiratory Therapist, and I can only imagine what the next months will look like for her.

With all that being said, I wanted to share some POSITIVE action items we can do to stay mentally healthy with the upcoming months. YES months, not weeks.

I wanted to share the list I have made for myself, to help keep myself in check over these next few months, and hope they may help you as well.

  1. Schedule a weekly or DAILY zoom session with friends. It is important that we have conversations and feel connected.

  2. Limit exposure to the news and social. Stay informed and educated but put limits in on what your mind takes in.

  3. Get outside everyday and exercise. Nature does wonders for everyones mental health and overall attitude.

  4. Be open and honest about how you are feeling that day with family members.

  5. Organize one space in your house a day. Big or small.

  6. Take a break from your kids! I “homeschooled” my kids today. By 6pm, I needed a break. Take the breaks moms and dads if you can. My kids are currently downstairs watching a Nature show on Disney Plus with their dad, and I am upstairs in my bedroom with my door shut…candle burning…and classical music playing. Momma needs a reset for tomorrow.

  7. GET creative every day. We all have a sense of creativeness inside ourselves. Brainstorm ideas on how you can use your creativity for good.

  8. REST. The stress of our current state is A LOT. Our bodies and our minds need to find spaces of calm and rest during this period. If you’ve never meditated before, now would be a great time to start! Even a 5 minute guided meditation that you can find on You Tube can turn a mindset right around.

  9. Read something that inspires you. Listen to something that inspires you.

  10. Look for the good. Embrace the slow. Enjoy the conversations with your family. Learn with your kids.

  11. Fuel your body with whole foods.

  12. Even when everything is unknown, if you are someone that loves planning and looking forward to the future….still do it. Think about summer and all the fun things we are going to get to do as a community.

  13. PRAY. I truly believe in the power of prayer and I’m praying for anyone that is reading this.

As I am just pulling together finishing my coaching website, this was not the first blog post I had intended on posting. But when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

I believe we will see the best in humanity in the time to come.

Sending everyone a big air hug.


